User Fees

InstrumentUniv of Hawaii UsersNon-UH Users
Hitachi HT7700 TEM$53.00/hr $79.00/hr
Hitachi S-4800 SEM
with EDS
Leica SP8 X Confocal$40.00/hr$60.00/hr
Olympus FV-1000 Confocal$40.00/hr$60.00/hr
Zeiss Laser Microdissection$25.00/hr$37.50/hr
Olympus BF/Fluorescence$12.00/hr$18.00/hr
Tousimis Samdri-795 Critical Point Dryer$30.00/run$45.00/run
Glow Discharge of Grids$20.00/run$30.00/run
Diamond Knife use$6.00/hr$9.00/hr

Technician– A microscopy technician is available for contract work at the rate of $55.00/hr for UH users and $82.50/hr for outside users. Arrangements for technician services should be made well in advance.

Consumable supplies (digital media, specimen stubs, fixatives, embedding media, etc.) for microscopy may be obtained from the BEMF with advance consultation. Supplies will be billed at our cost (including tax, shipping and overhead) and a small markup. We request that frequent users purchase their own consumable supplies.

We are always willing to discuss the feasibility of projects and provide cost estimates without obligation.